Talime wazaif online registration
People who are taking money from Banzeer Income Support Program, this is a message specially for them, for their children, whose children are studying in schools and colleges. There will be school or college verification slip, your children will get stipend who are registered in banazier income support program, so what you have to do is download this slip and I will tell you how to download it.
Necessary Instructions
First, let’s see what the necessary instructions are. What are the necessary instructions? Beneficiary, the beneficiary who is giving the money, will be my previous one, so this is the message that in this program, every semester has been done on show dance from the first to the fifth grade. 1500 rupees will be given to the child and 1000 rupees to the girl child. Also Read
10500 BISP Survey For Men And Female
How much Allowance For Student
The second instruction is that every quarter from 3th to 10th grade, 2500 rupees will be given to the child and 3000 rupees to the child. The first payment will be made on the admission of the child to the school, after that every three months after ensuring 70 percent attendance in the school, the payment will be made on passing the fifth class and a bonus of three thousand rupees will also be paid to the girls.
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How To Registered
Important instructions for teachers are: You are requested to register the child’s administration number, GER number and valid EMIS or college court registration at the time of confirming the child’s admission to the school. Confirm the skip only on the basis of the child’s admission to the school, i.e. do not enter two numbers etc. Do not enter anyone else’s name on the fourth number, after your confirmation, our representative will come to confirm the child’s school attendance. Now all these things are in it, if you have any complaints or for information, these tier numbers are given, you can contact them, you can also contact them on WhatsApp, then you will get this slipup, from where all. Before you see this thing, which is Google, here you have to write school or BISP verification scheme verification slip, write here BISP school or college verification set, it will be continued, then see below. Scroll down and you will see the website of Educated Pakistan. Click on it. After clicking on it, you will see that this website has been opened like this.
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Download verification Portal
So, you will see the option of download verification in yellow color, click on it, before that you can see below how much you will get at the primary level in the description, the secondary level is discussed at the country level. How much stipend will the child get for the girl? After taking the printout, you have to submit it to the office of your respective support program which is nearest to you. So, if you have any questions.
latest Update
This is the update so far. As soon as there is confirmatiom.According to social sources, Bank Al Laha and Jeez Cash have signed an agreement with BISP Benazir Income Support.Along with the program, the beneficiaries of Ehsaas Kafalt program emergency catch and beauty of sub-cities such as Nishonma and Aghosh program will be delivered and all those people whose status at the moment please visit their nearest registration center for registration. Take it or go to Benazir registration counter at the special utility store, then these are the people whose survey is mandatory.
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