BigNews:Govt MotorBikes Scheme How to Apply College & University Students Update 2024

Govt MotorBikes Scheme How to Apply College & University Students

Govt MotorBikes Scheme How to Apply College & University Students Infodents had announced a few months ago that the Punjab government is going to bring out a plan to provide motorbikes for various female students and now it has been officially announced according to which students who are studying in the university. and the unit is more than 18 years old, then they can apply for motorbikes, now there is a markup in it, so students don’t have to pay, but the government will give subsidies in this regard and total 30 thousand which are motorbikes. This will be detailed in the number of 119 thousand Petrol Pakistan while there will be 1000 bikes owned by Electricity Pakistan which are running on electricity, so which students can apply and want to apply and any details.readWhat is Maryam Nawaz Kisan Card Scheme?Schema

Electricity Pakistan

Govt MotorBikes Scheme How to Apply College & University Students If there are any, then this project has been given under the Chief Minister’s Youth Initiative with the disagreement of Bank of Punjab, in which 20 thousand motorbikes will be provided to the students, that is, male candidates can also apply. There are 19,000 petrol bikes for black female students, while 10 will have 22. In this regard, a subsidy of Rs. And payment of Qast Markup which will be given by Govt. Taker and those who are candidates who own bikes etc. in money they have to pay two years of easy excuse together and all candidates have to submit their application through an online portal. Here is the link for 5 Panj PK and last date of submission of online application and for motorbikes candidates can apply then the eligibility includes that number one candidate should be more than 18 years 18 years Candidates who are under the age of 20, then they cannot inform. Also read786 web portal 2000 online checkSchema

Govt MotorBikes Scheme How to Apply College & University Students
Govt MotorBikes Scheme How to Apply College & University Students

Government university

Govt MotorBikes Scheme How to Apply College & University Students Second, you have got admission in the university from any government or private sector graduate college and you are a regular student there. Now you will understand this point. But there is no condition that only the students of so-and-so university can apply from the store of government university. Students who are regular students from graduate colleges or universities who are regular students can apply, even though there is no requirement for the programs, whether they have done admission school in the program of the association or not. Bachelor program or postgraduate like MSE etc. If your admission is a regular student then you can apply in any program but if you are doing your education in a private candidate part then you have to study at home. Read:Web portal registration 2024 complete procedure

Support Punjab

If you are getting such students, it will not be possible because these motorized works are being done under this objective so that your journey from your home to your educational institution will be easy. I can give you the facility but if you are not a regular student of this university and you are sitting at home then you cannot apply for this motorbike at that time a third party motorcycle driving license or The learner permit should be valid. Now the problem here is that many stores do not have a learning license and they have not made their own license, so they can apply for it. It is necessary for this reason that there are not many applicants who have applied for Support Panj because by the way you will fulfill the rest of the requirements that you are a regular student of the university and you are more than 18 years old. But because of the driving license or the learner’s permit, it will cause problems, but if they can make it possible, then they will be able to go to the portal and apply internally. 

Monthly Installments

Govt MotorBikes Scheme How to Apply College & University Students If there are more than 100 students then this is a good opportunity for them to get their own ride and if they apply, they can oil their motorbike for which only monthly installments will be paid. You have to do a previous one after which if you want you can apply for petrol bike or you can also apply for electric bike now according to the number of people there will be a WhatsApp reminder of each district in it and for petrol vehicles then full Support can be applied from Punjab and 11676 for female students and 7324 for female students. The first thing is that there are a total 2000 motorbikes, out of which 19000 are petrol wipes and 1000 are bytes, so out of these 19000 petrol bikes, 1176 miles will be for candidates while 734 will be for females. Later, if there are 1,000 e-fights, it will be among them that 700 bikes are for students, while for 32 years later, stores from all over Punjab can apply, but for e-wipes only students from five cities will be Allegiant. It includes Faisalabad, Multan, Bahawalpur, Rawalpindi and Lahore, so for e-bikes, only students who are billed from these five districts can apply, while for petrol picks, if you want to apply, then in such a case, apply from all over Punjab. Read:How to apply Kisan card

Petrol Times

Govt MotorBikes Scheme How to Apply College & University Students Both petrol times and whites have been divided into mail candidates and female addresses. Also, a point has been made here that as many bikes as are available, if more than the number of applications are distributed. In this case, computerized balloting i.e. e-balloting will be done after that on its official website that is file.punjab.govt pk. So this link is given, click on the register nose button, then a page will open from where the candidates have to apply online for the bikes, along with the details that there are 19,000 petrol bikes which are mail and Quota wise for female cats will be done and in the same way, 700 ml for anchors and 300 ml from this flexi-five. In this regard, the government of Punjab is working to provide a subsidy of billion rupees and BA statistics on the website. If you look at, only 104 total applications have been received so far, out of which 86 applications are for petrol bikes and 18 applications have been received for e-bikes. Read:Web portal registration 2024 complete procedure 

Student Submits 

Govt MotorBikes Scheme How to Apply College & University Students The main reason for this is that STONE has no valid driving license etc. but you can apply by making it timely, still you have 15 days time valid to submit your online application. And there are chances that if the number of applicants is not met then the deadline may be further extended after April 29, giving more time to apply after that in person. It is mentioned that if a student submits his application and subsequently wants to change his choice of bike i.e. he had applied for petrol bike and wants to change the choice of bike for E.Y. is doing it or did it for his wife and wants you to apply for petrol bike then in such a base he can change his price till 29th August 2024 and show this thing to this council. It is happening that while applying, students can only apply for one motorbike i.e. either they can apply for petrol buy or they can apply for EY, they cannot buy it at a time. Apart from female candidates, they can apply for petrol bikes also for 11 ki bikes and both score and motorbike versions are eligible.Read:How can I check my eligibility for the Ehsaas Program?    

Medium for candidate

Can’t do it and they have to fail the licensing and authority or you guys driving license or learner driving proof which is after that they can black it and it is driving license or learner permit. So this mail is a medium for candidate as well as females can’t apply without it and here the game is asked to say flier to pipes no answer you will either buy for e-buy or up petrol buy Apart from that, the registration fee is not included in the Gone Price, it has to be given separately to the candidates, but the insurance cost of the bike in it has been added. You can download the monthly repayment schedule in which the file is given in excel format and you can start the monthly repayment schedule by uploading it and going to the details. Also Read:10500 BISP Survey For Men And Female  

De-payment is made

Govt MotorBikes Scheme How to Apply College & University Students According to which Ment Lee If your de-payment is made, then the amount is four and a half lakhs, after which the candidates in every way the mountain If you are and want to apply, then click on the registration form and here on this page, candidates must first enter their full name or enter, then enter their email address, then CNIC or Whatever is the font number, enter its number here and you have to select your gender, after gender you have to set a new password here and enter the same password again here. Up password design Will do.Read: Punjab government Nawaz Sharif Kisan Card features


Who is eligible to apply?

Must be over 18 years old.Must be a regular student enrolled in a degree program at a college or university recognized by HEC (Higher Education Commission) in Punjab, Pakistan. Must possess a valid learner’s permit or motorcycle driver’s license.Also Read:10500 BISP Survey For Men And Female

How can I apply?

Govt MotorBikes Scheme How to Apply College & University Students The application process is currently online through the official website: Here’s a breakdown of the steps: Registration:Visit the website and click on “Register.” Enter your full name, email address, CNIC number, and gender details.Create a password to proceed with the application.


Log in using your registered email and password.

Fill out the online application form.

Choose between a petrol-powered or electric motorcycle.

Is there a deadline to apply?

There isn’t any publicly announced deadline as of now. However, the program might have a set quota, so it’s best to apply as soon as possible.

What happens after I apply?

Applications will be reviewed based on eligibility criteria.If the number of applicants exceeds the allocated quota, an e-balloting process might be conducted. Selected students will be notified through the registered email address.

Are there any guarantor requirements?

The program allows students to apply as the primary borrower. However, if you don’t have a steady income, a guarantor with sufficient income might be required.

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