Good News BISP 8171 Result Check Online | Installments of 10 thousand

BISP 8171 Result Check Online :

Since June 5, zero balance has been sought on hair and now only two types of people will get money. Similarly, let us also tell you that under the Benazir Kafalat program, not 10500 rupees but 12500 rupees should be delivered to the beneficiary. When are these installments going to increase further and will this increase be for all people or will this increase be allocated for some specific people?

 We are going to tell you the biggest and most important updates in this, so let’s move on to the details before those who have not gotten the important and latest information about various programs on time. Payments of the Benazir Sufficiency Program to be made in phases have been and these two-phased campaigns are continuing continuously, let us tell you that the first phase is ongoing and the second phase is going to start very soon.

Kafalat program and PM score:-

After May, you will see a little delay because now from June 5, 2024, you will start the second phase payments under the Kafalat program you will It should be remembered that before this, in the payments of the first phase, the payment of the sponsorship program is also being made, along with the water of the Uzair program, which is also being given, then the installments of the sponsorship program of all the people are being given.

Along with this, children’s episodes are also being released, but let’s give you a big update that now two types of people will get the money, the first one is those who are Benazir Income Support. Such a regular Beni has been in the program for many years and now he has done his dynamic survey in the dynamics survey also his PMP score has not crossed the prescribed limit i.e. less than 32 which is the case for such people. will be released and before that people have been released to get it in the first phase. 

Likewise, the other type of people are those who have adopted the status of eligibility in this program after completing their dynamic survey or not registering about some time ago.

Installments of 10 thousand:-

For those people who have qualified for the program Even without any gender, SIMs will continue to be available. Well, now we have brought you the very good news that the installments of the Benazir Income Support Program mean a huge increase in the amount of assistance. 

You all know that in June The budget for the new year is going to be presented in the month and in this new fiscal year budget, a special budget will be presented to increase the contribution amount of the Benazir Income Support Program so far being told that according to the initial correction. 

It is possible that the assistance amount of this sponsorship program can be increased up to 10000 rupees. If 20000 rupees are added in the same way, then instead of 10500 rupees, you will be paid 12500 rupees after three months.

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