Signing Ceremony Between The Bank of Punjab & Male Champions of Change Coalition Pakistan

Signing Ceremony Between The Bank of Punjab

[Music] I’m very pleased to have this partnership with the bank of Punjab today uh y Coalition it’s it’s a partnership with the Australian government it’s an international best practice certified by the UN secret General because it promises and commits to tangible and actionable 

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 CEOs including Bank of Punjab and the organizations 

interventions in the domain of women’s leadership and women’s empowerment in the private sector space today Pakistan is the largest group globally and I’m very proud of the partnership of all of our CEOs including Bank of Punjab and the organizations who made this champions of change Coalition a success here I understand Bank of Punjab already agenda P Mission pay and I feel with this Coalition with this partnership there will be a lot more learning there will be a lot more knowledge sharing uh there will be a lot more Collective action and Partnerships that will help Bank of Punjab further their commitment and agenda towards women’s

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 Bank of Punjab is now part of this uh exclusive group of companies the 30 companies in Pakistan multinationals 

 Bank of Punjab is now part of this uh exclusive group of companies 

 Empowerment and gender equality males champions of change agreement Bank of Punjab is now part of this uh exclusive group of companies the 30 companies in Pakistan multinationals private sector um which will work towards gender balance in the organization and outside as you know Bank of Punjab has been playing a major role in financial inclusion and the corner store of financial inclusion is more and more gender balancing um and in that respect Bank of Punjab has always been at the Forefront of delivering uh tangible results as far as Financial inclusion is concerned and women participation is concern I wish and Hope that you know this uh partnership will go a long way in terms of improving our work environment better uh more gender sensitive um and we will be able to perform even better than what we have been doin

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 Bank of Punjab  Office

implementing uh wwf’s uh green office uh in one of their Office Buildings we are very excited to sign this partnership we strongly feel that there are many other areas where both WWF Pakistan and Ban of Punjab can collaborate to really play their role in nature conservation in

Pakistan and we look forward to working with Bank of Punjab uh we are very excited as BP to have an agreement withn WWF um to begin with uh green office

Music Embark upon this green

certification we believe as we have a huge appetite to Embark upon this green banking initiative and uh especially you know we hope WWF expertise own impact reduction going forward utilize thank you very much [Music]

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today we have signed OU with Bank of Punjab where Bank of Punjab will be implementing uh wwf’s uh green office uh in one of their Office Buildings we are very excited tosignthispartnership westrongly feel that there are many other areas where both WWF Pakistan and Bank of Punjab can collaborate to really play their role in nature conservation in Pakistan and we look forward to working with Bank of Punjab uh we are very excited as BP to have an agreement with WWF um to begin with uh green officein the past

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