Big News Nadra B form cancellation

Nadra B form cancellation:

Now we will talk about how you can cancel your CNIC now that you have different reasons for canceling. Is there any acquaintance of yours, someone’s death has happened, you have to cancel the scene or you are in a country whose nationality is being acquired and there are terms and conditions that you Can’t keep the nationality and in this case, you are canceling your CNIC then you can cancel it in those cases but if you want to do any modification then cancel it with a new ID function. 

Online CNIC Cancellation Process:

If you want to make it, then you can’t do it. For that, you can especially modify what is there. You can’t cancel it and make it new. Go to your Google engine and type id Nadra here, this is the official website of Nadra where online services are provided to you, first of all, Click on Apply New or Login Click here Register Account Locked and Expired Account We have two options here First of all if you don’t have an account then you can register your account here. 

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You have to click, first of all, you have to write your email here, you have to write your password and after that, you have to enter the capture code here. They will click on their button, like when they click on login, then here are the term conditions, they are here, and you can read them out. If you want to update your password, then you can click on Otherwise Not Now, here all the information is available in front of you, the existing application is in process, then zero is rejected and complete. If you want to cancel, then here all their statuses are displayed in front of the new application.

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We will click from here as we click on it then we will come down so look here and cancel type up someone new who wants to get CA nationality and wants to get a canceled key If you want to cancel or if you want to update the FSC, then I want to change the cancellation to my nationality and cancel it for a new nationality. I will write here your CNIC will be verified here, let’s write CNIC here, then write the next icon above it, here you can see. It says you are ready to apply for application and in progress you can apply for now, I cancel it and write CNIC here and click here Click on the start application, as soon as we click on it, you can see that the application is product, normal, urgent or executive, then you can select any of them. In this, if you do as many your fees will remain the same, and what is in it, you can take it directly. To do this, you will browse and select a picture from your computer.

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The process will be Complete in 7 Days:

Keep that it should be in JPG format, after that you have fingerprints, and you can see some things as guidelines, if you click on it, you will get the form here How you have to fingerprint is provided to you here from here you will click on browse and select out first of all all the above items here If you upload it here, it will also appear here and after doing it, you will click on the Save button. After that, your payment will be processed. You will click on the payment, your payment will be done, then your application will go for cancellation, after uploading this fingerprint here, you have to click on the simple save button and make the payment, and then your CNIC will be canceled within seven days.

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