Good News Ehsas Program News | What will be the procedure for registration?

Ehsas Program News :

What will be the procedure for registration? How can you register? How many times in a year 12 thousand rupees will be given to you on which date in May will this payment of 10500 rupees be sent to you where will you receive this payment? How can you be eligible for 3000 rupees?

Great News for NAB surveyors:

While there is great news for NAB surveyors, the latest important news of this time is that the government of Pakistan will give you up to 12 thousand rupees You can register and apply on the website and also in the BISP Office, while the 10500 rupees is to be sent from the Government of Pakistan. Payment will be started in May and the payment will also come along with it while the children’s stipend can also be received and some people have received the previous payment. If they were not to receive it, then they would get the previous payment along with this payment. 

Total Duration of Card:

Generally, they can withdraw this payment only after the 15th of May. The good news is that one, they will get an installment of 10500 rupees, while they will go for the guardian card, under which they will get an aid of 12 thousand rupees. Keep in mind the first thing that was told by the government of Pakistan, let me tell you that the total duration of the card will be up to five years. This card will last for five years.

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You will get it three times, and every four months you will get an installment of 12 thousand rupees. After the success of the Nehgaban card, issued by the government of Punjab with the help of its base, providing financial assistance to 64 lakh people.

It will be done, if the total is about 7 billion rupees in these five years, which will be distributed among all the people. This is already included in the Benazir Income Support Form, the government will also determine your poverty school, the government of Pakistan already has your data, and you can also receive the amount of 12 thousand rupees from the ATM. 

The criteria were shared by the government of Pakistan:

For those whose Benazir income support program card or Ehsaas program card was made earlier, since the data is already available in Pakistan, no data has been put in place by the government and no new vote has been made for it. Since the data is available 12 thousand rupees will be added to the ATM card. Doing everything is a difficult task. The criteria were shared by the government of Pakistan. If someone tells you to click on any type of link, 8800 votes have been reserved for it by the government of Pakistan. You can do it by mapping your ID card, you will get it separately, which is the courage of the elderly card holders.

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