BISP 10500 Payment Method Change
Give me 500/10 cases of Benazir Income Support program and I will match the children’s money to your mobile account, easy money, legitimate cash. Yes, you must be feeling very good after hearing this update, but in this regard, there is very good news for the people who are not eligible for the program and all such people who are taking money and are suffering from the problem of doing your dynamic survey. After conducting the dynamic survey, if you will not be disqualified from this program, then your worries in this regard are over to some extent, we will give you more details in the future and yes, the great news is that you Regarding the payments of their suit board program, you will neither have to get in the lane nor will you have to wait any longer because the new banking system is also being introduced and you can also make these payments from bank ATMs. Starting to meet, moving forward for more details.
Banking System Update
Let us tell you that a new banking system is being introduced for all payments of the Benazir Income Support Program, under which the problem of receiving your payment will end. In the previous case, a huge amount was deducted and sometimes you were humiliated for not getting this deduction. Banks are being earmarked for the payments of Bezaar Income Support Program and not only this but they will also connect you with the payment from the ATM machine of these banks which is a very easy procedure for all of you. When those payments start meeting the ATM resident, all the hassles will be over as there will be no deductions, no queuing and no long waits when you go to the ATM. If you go, you will receive the full payments within 10 minutes very easily. Here, a big news in this regard is that all these new banks allocated by the government for BISP payments. We have gone to the same whether it is easy paisa or jeez cash we can use it on mobile but this time also their choice for ISP payments is limited to their branches as of now. Accordingly, it is being told that the primary bank of Jayz Cash, i.e. Pradhan Microfinance Bank and Telenor Microfinance Bank, which is the primary bank of Easy Paisa, will provide these payments on their behalf through their agencies.
Payment Release In Mobile Account Update
Payments will not be received through mobile accounts and in the future it may happen that these payments will be transferred to mobile accounts from the bank, but we will be the first to know about this in June. Also let me tell you that your worries about conducting dynamic surveys are over to some extent because a large number of people did not know that. Whether our dynamic survey will happen or not, because a large number of people are reaching the office to get dynamic survey done, they do not need to worry at all. Why are you going to the office, now this problem of yours is being eliminated because you check the eligibility of your Shanakhti card at the porter in 81 Qatar. That you should go to the nearest office and get your dynamic survey done, if you don’t have rynok survey then you will not be shown this notification and yes for those who are thinking that dynamic survey will not be done because we are disqualified. If you go, all such people are requested to do their dynamic survey compulsorily.
Dynamic Survey Update
You can be eligible only after doing a dynamic survey. For this, understand that all the people who have done the dynamic survey are getting eligible and it is good for you to do the dynamic survey and in the same way let us tell you that you will get these payments from the bank ATM too but you For this, bank ATMs are being started before the bank system. Inshallah, from July 15, you will start receiving all types of BASP payments from bank ATMs, but from July 15, only Habib Bank. And you will receive these payments from the Bengal Flock ADM machine. The last stage of the guest program of six K Hall programs is going to start within the next 48 hours, so your waiting hours will end.