2 Types People Become Eligible For BISP 2024

2 Types People Become Eligible For BISP

Which is like every three months we give Samai to whom, this time we are giving it through Camp Offices because there were many complaints from retailers about deduction. When I say congratulations, the women whose money has been stopped have been removed from this program and in their place, two new families have now been made part of this program. They have been receiving money for three or four years now they are being removed from this program and these people are now being qualified in place of those who have been registered in this program for many years and are facing huge problems. were facing and they were not being included in this program, so now there is so much change that only the entitled people will remain in this program and all the other people will be excluded from this program.

BISP dynamic Survey Update

Two Types Family Eligible In BISP 

What are the two types of families that have been removed from this program and what are the new families that are being included in this program? Those who have been receiving money for the past several years were eligible for this program, now they have been asked to do the survey again, not only have they been told, but the implementation has also started. will be stopped, first of all, the money of those people and those women who have been re-surveyed and due to re-survey, their dynamic survey, then their PMT is being stopped. If the score has increased, then the money of all such women has also been stopped, maybe there is an earlier payment in their account or their recent installments have been deposited in their account, then they can get their second marks here. But such women who are not doing the dynamic survey, even if they are not doing it because of the fear that we will not be disqualified, then all such women will also be removed from this program because those who do not do the survey are not in this program. You will be able to join this program again only after the survey is done, so these two types of women who are ineligible will be waiting for the next two years and after two years the survey will be conducted again.8800 solar Program registration process

2 Types People Become Eligible For BISP
2 Types People Become Eligible For BISP

PMT Score Update 

Then again they will get PMT score if PMT score meets the terms and conditions of PISP then again they will be included and their money will be restored Similarly two types Such new families who are going to be a part of this program and first of all such government employees whose salary is less than 60 thousand paisa will now be able to join this program before any government employee. was not being included in this program, even if his salary is less than 15 thousand paisa, but now his salary is 60 thousand paisa less, father, all government employees can join this program. The recent ones are ongoing, two phases have started, then the last one, the third phase, is going to start very soon.8070 Kisan Card Apply Process

8171 Web Portal Update 

Tell us the car through which we can know our payment sitting at home, so the first option in this regard is to check your wife on the 8171 web portal along with the eligibility, you are also told the payment data on some people. If there is no update on the web portal within 81 or if the payment is not being reported correctly, they are facing problems, then they should take their original ID card and go to the nearest payment centers and check all their account information from there. There is no other method by which you can check your payment status at home. This is the method that has been told to you. Some people asked questions about the rest of the ATMs, so let me tell you that. ATMs have not been restored yet, only from the camp side, these are also being released by him, so viewers, this is the latest update of Kuch Aj. Will let us till then with a new update. New Laptop Scheme Update

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