8070 Kisan Card Apply Process
Great news has also come for those who have been disqualified. Eligible persons will be able to get assistance from you and what is the procedure of online registration through 80 70 how can apply in roshan gharana scheme send ID card to 8800 or reference number how can apply In this video, we are going to tell you that if you are not getting money for children or you are not getting money for the sponsorship program, how can you get it released and if you have received an error of 938, what is the solution? You will be fully guided in this regard. There has been a big update regarding the dynamic service providers, so they also tell you. Want to get and get information about various new aid programs released by the government and want to join them.The same way, if you have any problem on behalf of an aid program, you can also write it in the comments and try to write the name of your province because each province has different terms for different aid programs.
Dynamic Survey Update
If the conditions are there, the viewers first talk about the dynamic survey that all those people who are in trouble regarding the dynamic survey, if we don’t do our dynamic survey by June 30, then we will be blocked from this program. It will be given, it will be disqualified, nothing like that is going to happen, but you have to make your dynamic survey compulsory, because if three years have passed since you received money, then it is a mask for you to make your dynamic survey compulsory if If it has been around one year or one and a half years since your last registration or eligibility, then you don’t need to get Dynamics. The survey will have to be done. It should be remembered that till date, the regular beneficiaries who have been paying for the last three or four years will be disqualified till this date. The remaining dynamics survey will continue and the dynamic survey will be conducted every three years. After that, Hargistry will take place. At the same time, let us give you a very good news regarding the increase in the amount of Benazir Support Program, that a new budget is going to be presented in June and in the budget of this new financial year, Benazir Income Support Program There will be an increase in stipends up to 2500 rupees and after this increase, instead of 10,500 rupees, you will get 13,000 rupees every three months under the sponsorship program, along with increasing the ambition of children. No news has been received yet regarding this, and it will also be confirmed by June 8th, God willing. After that, you will be informed through our same channel, God willing, about how much the aid amount has increased for which aid program.
Kisan Card Latest Update
Let us tell you that the very good news for all such people who have been ineligible till now is that they can visit their nearest Benazir Income Support Program office this June. You can submit your appeal or you can go to the Pakistan City Zin Portal app and submit your complete form. Inshallah, if your complaint and appeal is not rejected, if it is accepted, then they will be reinstated for this program. But the appeal will also be accepted in the case that you are actually entitled, if you are rejected, then you will definitely be reinstated for this program. The recent Kis is ongoing in two phases, the first phase is ongoing and the second phase is also going to start very soon. It will be done and this is the first and second phase, it will be started in the last days of the first week of June, Inshallah. You can check here. Let’s also give an important update here that marriage programs have also been released by the government, in which a remarkable program Roshan Karana Scheme has been released for the people of Roshan Gharana and this Under the scheme, 50,000 Katans of the province will be given free solar system and for its registration, you have to send your ID card number and your electricity reference number to 8800 new shortcode and use your personal SIM to connect here.
Nawaz Sharif Kisan Card Apply Process
He said that Nawaz Sharif is giving a special gift to the people of Pakistan that people whose electricity bill is less than 200 units will be given a big radio very soon, God willing. At the same time, a special registration will be done for this electricity relief beef, its complete information will also be available on our same channel, so subscribe now. This special program has been given the name of Nawaz Sharif Kisan Kaat. It is a poisonous thing. If the government of Pakistan Muslim League Noon is running, then it is special for the people on their behalf.Madadi programs are also being released, so you can also apply for the registration of this Kisan card, go to the right message option of your mobile and write your ID card number in capital letters and send it to 80 70. If your land record is available then you will definitely be eligible for this program inshallah because this program is for farmers with less than 100 kanal area if you also fulfill the criteria of this program.