New update BISP 2nd Payment Start
The second installment of Rs. 10500 will be released to you from the government. You can go and withdraw your new payment and admittedly those who want to check the money whether it is child allowance or self payment how can they check if you don’t get the press reference or message. If you have any kind of problem regarding or have any kind of problem, please provide a number that will be the contact number on which you can also call and inquire about your problem from them, what is your problem and how long will it be solved. We will give you the complete detailsĀ
BISP Latest Update
While the official BISP website ( show the latest updates, some news sources claim BISP started cash center payments for the June 2024 cycle and a dynamic survey is underway for new registrations. It’s important to be cautious of unofficial websites and refer to BISP’s official channels for verified information.
Important News About BISP Payment
The latest very important news of this time is that finally you have received the first installment because people are waiting for the second installment. will provide full awareness to while people are still not able to check their money under 8171 portal actually they don’t know that timing issue is going on DEMIC which is changed after opening of 8171 portal It is often seen that whenever it is the turn of checking money, the portal of 8171 is being created, that’s why people have a lot of trouble that when we check, the money is not our check. That the portal of 8171 has been completely closed by the government is not the case.
8171 Portal Update
The portal of 8171 is still open by the government. You can check your money and you can also check the money of your children. but there is a difference in timing. If you check in the morning then your money will not be checked at least from 10 am to 12 pm. You can check your money even when it is open from 12. It closes till two o’clock. I have checked the money myself. At that time, the money is not checked and the website is not open, while it is from five o’clock to four o’clock and six o’clock. But you can check your money then it closes again at night in the same way there is a little difference in timing but the portal of 8171 is open now so check your money keeping in mind the time. While all the people who have problems, you can also indicate your problems, if you have any problem, you will make a call and your problem will also be solved 91 58 15 421. You will call him when you have to do it. You can do it. Directory General Khyber Pakhtunkhwa will answer your questions.
2nd Installment Update
Let us tell you that the 10500 rupees which is to be run second is running first and the people are benefiting from it and continue to take it. Radial shops are open in some places, they are being built in some place where you know that it is open in that city, there are enough devices in that city, so wherever it is open, you have to go there and you will get the money from there. Another type of feral date has been allowed by the government. They will be able to receive the new payment from different government schools, some centers are still open and people are receiving payment from there.
:The story of Naeem
Peace be upon you, I am the sole breadwinner of the house, I have six sisters and I am a brother. I have a rented house and my income is very difficult and the electricity works sometimes and sometimes it does not happen. If a block is played, then it has to be done with a button, or a holder has to be installed, or a house wiring has to be done. Therefore, you are requested to you thanks sir