New Car Loan Scheme Launch By Govt
New Car Loan Scheme Launch By Govt If you want to buy a small car for your family and you don’t have net cash payment, then the government is announcing the My Car Scheme, under which you are available in any corner of Pakistan for your family. You can apply for a 660 cc vehicle, many more schemes have been announced, but you can buy a 660 cc Pakistan locally-made or imported vehicle under my vehicle scheme. What are the rules for buying a 660 cc vehicle? What are the required things that you will have to follow, how many years is the time period, how much is the down payment, and are there any rules and regulations? It was considered a lot in the government, but it was not announced. Also Read Ehsaas Program 786
Punjab Bank
New Car Loan Scheme Launch By Govt Enough announcements have been made, but they have not been implemented, but Shahbaz Sharif and he has provided small loans to the government and Punjab Bank to laborers and people with business purposes. There are many people who have become aware of this and in this regard, there are many more loans going on through brotherhood, the details of which will be available on Waleed Motors tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
Askari Bank
New Car Loan Scheme Launch By Govt Which 660 cc vehicle can you buy or is there any vehicle in Pakistan and within the use condition, if you want to buy it according to your budget, you want to decide the budget, then you have that option. If you want to buy a new car, you can also use that option. We are talking about the budget option at this time. There are many banks including Askari Bank, MCB Bank, UB. L and Lite Bank have been included in this, so let’s see what updates we have received, the news circulating on social media and the official news that we have received is implemented. Read: Benazir Income Support Process Ehsas Program Online Registration
Pak Suzuki
There is a carlon scheme which is a great one. I personally like it because most of the demand of people is small cars like before you Duff car of Daiherso company Nissan Mr. Bushi. Apart from this, Pak Suzuki, Kyota, and Honda also have a lot of hatchback vehicles, which you can get around 2.5 million to 2.8 million to million. You can import those vehicles.
Who is eligible for the New Car Loan Scheme?
Pakistani National Identity Card Holders Salaried individuals with a minimum gross salary of PKR 30,000 Self-employed businessmen-professionals with a minimum gross income of PKR 50,000 per month
What is the age requirement for the New Car Loan Scheme?
Salaried individuals: Minimum 21 years to 65 years at the time of loan maturity for private-sector employees and 60 years for government-sector employees